Pay Your Fair Share ... And No More
Many businesses routinely overpay personal property taxes. In addition to exemptions that are available, there are alternate methods of calculating personal property tax liability.
Other considerations would be fair market value of the property on the open market, economic obsolescence factors that may have arisen in the industry, functional obsolescence, and personal property tax returns which include ghost or retired assets.
Enguard's professionals will examine personal property assets, examine returns, evaluate alternative methods of calculating tax liability, manage refund claims and appeals, and/or acquire abatements. This is an area of substantial tax savings often overlooked by businesses.
Because we work on a contingency fee basis, no fees will be charged if we do not save you money or secure tax refund(s) or credit(s) on your behalf.
If you are unsure if you are overpaying your personal property taxes, please contact us and one of Enguard’s tax specialists will then contact you to further discuss this tax-savings opportunity.